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Our news blog, www.webbtale.com uses cookies to enable our users to have a personalized online experience. As soon as our users visit our website and agree to its policy, they agree to the use of the cookies as per the terms of the website.

Nature of Cookies

Cookies are nothing but files with unique identifiers. They are created by sending to a web browser by a web server. These files can be returned to the server whenever a browser requests a page.

Cookies help web servers to identify and track the users when they move across different websites over time. We have two different types of cookies – one is fixed and another is session. 

When an uninterrupted cookie contains a text file sent by a web server to a browser and subsequently saved by the later, it is called Fixed cookie. Its validity period lasts till the set expiry date (if not deleted by the user before expiry). On the other hand, a session cookie expires when the session ends on closing the web browser.

Method of Use of Cookies

Cookies do not have any data that recognizes you personally, but your personal data that we store might be linked to the data collected from cookies.

The following purposes can be served with the help of cookies :-

1) They help to identify your computer when you visit the website

2) Usability of a certain website can be improved a lot

3) Successfully tracking a visitor when he visits the site

4)  They help a visitor to use e-commerce facility

5) They enable you to have a personalized online experience specifically by targeting advertisements of your choice

Third Party Cookies

When you navigate the website, our advertisers and service providers might send you cookies. You can block cookies, but blocking all cookies will have a negative effect on the usability of many websites leading to loss of certain useful features.

Blockage of Cookies

Most web browsers permit their users to refuse to accept cookies.

In the case of Internet Explorer, you might block cookies by clicking  on ‘Tools’, then ‘Internet options’, then ‘Privacy’ and finally on ‘Block all cookies’.

In the case of Firefox, you will be able to block all cookies by clicking on ‘Tools’, then unchecking ‘Accept cookies from sites’ in the ‘Privacy’ box.

In the case of Google Chrome, you can modify your cookie permissions by selecting ‘Options’, then ‘Under the hood’ and finally selecting the content setting in the ‘Privacy’ section.

Deleting Cookies

Deleting cookies is another option by which a website user may get rid of cookies.

For a Firefox user, you may click on ‘Tools’ first, then ‘Options’, then selecting ‘Settings’ in the ‘Private Data’ box and finally clicking on ‘Clear private data’.

For a Google Chrome user, you may delete cookies by clicking on ‘Options’ first, then ‘Under the hood’, then selecting ‘Content Settings’ in the ‘Privacy’ section and finally clicking on the Cookies tab in the content settings.

For an Internet Explorer user, you must delete cookie files manually.

It is quite obvious that deleting cookies might restrict usability of many websites.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding cookies, please feel free to contact us by email :-
